Saying NO to Self Doubt and Discouragement


The spirit of doubt and discouragement has been running rampant through my ladies this past week and a half. Not only through my ladies, but also through me as well. At the start of anything we always seem to be fully energized and committed to the goal at hand. It’s just like the beginning of a marathon. You have all the energy and faith in the world at the beginning, to not only finish the race but finish strong. Once you are a certain amount of time in, and it starts being less fun and more uncomfortable, our faith in ourselves and reaching the finish line becomes more and more bleak. For whatever reason it is human nature to run from or avoid any uncomfortable feeling or situation even if it is completely necessary for our physical or emotional growth. Pain strengthens.I cannot think of any situation whether emotional or physical where I endured pain and was not more strong afterwards. When you are at the gym or on the track giving it your all, it’s going to hurt, it’s going to be uncomfortable, but you must push PAST the pain. The body you will see at the finish line, whether it is two months or six months from when you started will give you a sense of pride like no other.

Also, it is important for us to learn to tell that little “I can’t” parasite in our heads to just BE QUIET. You can and will say no to bad foods that stunt your fitness goals. You can and will say no to unhealthy relationships or people that stunt your personal growth. You can and will say no to the spirit of self doubt that says no matter how hard you try you wont attain the body or lifestyle that you desire. Some may see me and think that everyday I wake up believing I’m going to be great. That is not true. I wake up some mornings tired, sore, and overwhelmed with the responsibilities of being a single mother. I have to really pray my way into the gym some days. I have to pray my way to eating right when I want to go sit somewhere and overdose on fried foods and sweets because they comfort me. Mental strength is just as important and physical strength in the quest to a healthier you. I feel like there is nothing that you can’t pray to God to. People seem afraid or embarrassed to go to Him in regards to their fitness goals. This is our temple, we have only one, there is absolutely nothing wrong with praying that He keeps you on path with taking care of yourself. He is needed in EVERY aspect of our lives, any area He is left out of is weakened. So stand up, hold your head up, push that plate of bad food away and tell yourself I can do this, not only because I believe I can, but because I have God standing next to me in this walk towards physical, spiritual, and emotional progression! Carpe Diem!